Generation Z: Meet the Next Consumers Taking on a Different Reality

Of the most diverse and technology-oriented people, Gen Z takes the world by a storm. They are transforming the business, digital and marketing segment in numerous ways. An influential bunch, generation Z is young, connected and native to the internet. They have a higher consumer power with a growing presence in businesses. This makes it… Continue reading Generation Z: Meet the Next Consumers Taking on a Different Reality

Romil Ramgarhia’s View: Gaming, A great business opportunity

The online gaming industry has reached a tipping point in popularity. The days of limited sound and pixelated screens have become a distant dream. Gamers today realize that there is a community connection possible through the online screen. The modern-day creation of video games has developed dramatically. The industry is making progress as the creators… Continue reading Romil Ramgarhia’s View: Gaming, A great business opportunity

Romil Ramgarhia: A Media Professional with High Skills

The name of Romil Ramgarhia is a bright one in the media industry in India. He is one of those few professionals of this country who has an outstanding career graph across telecom, manufacturing and media sector. Working in India’s leading companies in various prestigious positions is not an easy matter. But, Romil Ramgarhia has… Continue reading Romil Ramgarhia: A Media Professional with High Skills

Celebration of Music During Festive Times by Romil Ramgarhia

India is a land of cultural diversity. Historically, music contributed to our society in manifold ways. It upholds a meaning, using sound to articulate the order of the universe. Music forms a core part of all the festivities in our country. Be it mild or cacophonous, the symphony creates a sacred experience in our hearts.… Continue reading Celebration of Music During Festive Times by Romil Ramgarhia

Movie Theatre to OTT Transformation Through the Eyes of Romil Ramgarhia

Ramgarhia shared his perspective about the OTT vs Movie Theatre. Romil Ramgarhia discussed a few things like the big transformation of theatre to OTT, how covid impacted the film industry, how OTT platforms are on the rise etc. Nowadays, we have the flexibility to consume content anywhere and anytime. With easy access to various online… Continue reading Movie Theatre to OTT Transformation Through the Eyes of Romil Ramgarhia